Aeden - March 2013 to March 29, 2015
(same pre-history as his siblings)
Lynds of Henry's Haven forwarded me an email from a woman asking for help. Basically she had gotten overwhelmed since having her first oops litter, and then there were more. She ended up with 28 rats (including the 3 original girls) quite quickly. Her husband had/has a snake and she saved the original 3 girls from being eaten. The husband didn't understand rats as pets and was threatening to toss them outside or poison them while she was at work. When her 7 year old daughter decided to mix and match rats, more litters were born and it snowballed. Her MIL told her to just drown the babies as that is what they do with kittens...thankfully this woman did not listen to such terrible advice and and instead saw Lynds' HH Rat Rescue and contacted her. Lynds asked me to email her. We then discovered she was in Toronto, so I ended up taking in a young mom with her litter of 12 2-weekers and 3 young boys (the uncles).
They unfortunately showed up at my home at a time when I didn't realize my colony had within a week everyone was sick
I managed to save them all and for the most part they seemed healthy but SDA is the virus that keeps on giving and I knew there could be health ramifications later in life. The boys and girls all grew up friendly and sweet, the uncles not so much. One had to be neutered young, and the other 2 still hate handling and will bite if you aren't careful. Porthos lives to take a chomp at me LOLOL. The 7 boys all ended up living together harmoniously with no hormonal issues, but sadly the health woes began early. The one uncle Athos was very sick during the quarantine and has chronic respiratory issues since then. The young boys seemed fine until a few months ago then it started to show up. Galen and Fagan, 2 of the PEW boys both started losing weight, breathing a bit laboured, their chests became hard and the endless rounds of antibiotics were started.
Aeden was the cutest tiniest of the brothers...everyone loved him. he kept his weight up but still needed to be on antibiotics most of this life. He also failed suddenly, and I lost yet another one of these sweet brothers :(

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