Alley - November 1, 2011 - May 27, 2014
Alley was a very lucky little girl. She was rescued by a lovely woman but unfortunately she didn't have the experience to deal with a feisty young girlrat who would bite if you weren't careful. She was found IN an Alley hence the name. I went and got her and she never bit again. She WAS feisty though and finding her a good group was difficult. She would be okay with one then start harrassing other rats, then on to another group. She also came in the era of my crummy new camera so I didn't get any really good pics of her for a long time...always difficult with a girl who loves to run. So very few pics of this active sweetie. LOL

She finally took over duties with the girls from a rescue litter. She lived with these girls the rest of her long life.

For the last 4 months, She's been sleeping in the bottom of the cage, her body condition was still pretty good for her age, but she liked to sleep away from the others curled up on her side. Everytime I saw her there I was sure she was gone, but would call her name and the eyes would pop open and she would run for the cage door. Except the last time, this time I knew she was gone...she just never woke up. I am sure she's found other like-minded rats and is rampaging somewhere, knocking things down, climbing the highest "mountains" to get to those things to knock down. She really was a girlrat
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