Absinthe – Nov. 2010 to Feb. 27, 2013
Absinthe was a throw in girl with a lovely over-used feeder breeder gal, who had stopped being productive. Emma was offered to 5 snakes and they all refused her, so the owner shoved her and Absinthe in a box and dropped her off to Joe a guy who worked at a pet supply store. He snuck them home and then emailed for help.

Emma sadly was not well enough to stay with us, so Absinthe got to meet the Brat Girls and stayed there the rest of her life.
She was always a bright, cheerful girl with a passion for her wheel and the tail to prove it!
Family photo

Happy girl

Still running as an old lady

She aged fast sadly, being from badly bred feeder stock, but even as she became more debilitated and needed help with itchies, she still got absolutely everywhere she wanted.

Sadly she dev eloped pyometra which did not respond to antibiotics and there was no spay in her future so I let her go with her wonderful friend Linnet. Love you Miss Bright Eyes!!

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