Balera was the odd one out. The only black girl with 3 himi sisters. She stood out

I sent Balera with Adira to be a companion rat on surgery day, unless my vet decided Adira was not operable then she would take her place. I knew my vet was going out of town for 3-4 weeks so him fitting these guys in was wonderful. Adira got her surgery, and Dr Munn told me to bring Balera back on Thursday and he would remove her tumours as well! YAY!!
So Balera went in, had her 2 smallish but odd tumours removed. But she reacted badly to the buprenorphine given (can cause pica in rats given larger doses), and overnight opened herself up even more than the original incision...a very very scary sight to see. I rushed her into the vet on Friday morning, and they fixed her up again, almost a whole new surgery. :P This incident caused a whole new pain medication protocol change in rats at the clinic which was worth it

It was a very tense weekend I will tell you. Then of course Adira's incision started opening up as well...but that's another story.
Balera wasn't happy with me after the surgery, so preferred I keep my hands off of her, otherwise she skittered away. It took some time but she finally came around to tolerate me well...I did bring her yummies and take her out of the cage.

So my lovely black girl started getting yet another tumour, then HED, but now she decided she actually liked me. She then started showing symptoms of PT, but luckily responded really quickly to the bromocriptine (we had already lost her sister to PT, plus something we never figured out). After this she really enjoyed life and even me.

She is now reunited with Triesse and sadly will probably soon be joined by Valene who is also exhibiting signs of PT as well. My sweet feisty Montreal girls are leaving...sigh.
Shelter pics

Home and resting after a long day

Miss Brighteyes

Her lumpies

Pic after surgery

a link for people who like wound pictures, of what I woke up to Friday morning...CLICK AT OWN RISK, GRAPHIC PICTURE
Balera in her sock outfit after the repair :P

Pretty girl all healed up

Aging away

Happy old gal

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