Poor Lily, we never got to really get to know each other until the last few months. She was one of my Rat Train girls from Moncton. I took in Lily, her 3 sisters and their mom, along with 3 other girls. Lily was the only black berk of her hoodie family and at first was very nippy. Once these girls settled in their cage name was originally the Party Girls that quickly became the Moncton Monsters! I often threatened them, saying I would send them back to their former owner…”Yah yah. We KNOW...you are a pushover!” They just took me totally for granted. LOL
They were my little destructos. I am pretty calm and easy going, but Out time in the livingroom with the Monsters was enough to try anyone’s patience. If they could get somewhere (and they could get everywhere!) they would knock everything down…they would get aggressive outside other rat’s cages, huff, puff and body check defenseless items *crash* *bang* constantly. Lily was a big chunky girl and she was one of the worst perpetrators..hehe. These girls were not kind to each other. They slept in hammocks together but I cannot remember anyone socially grooming another, unless it was powergrooming. :cheeky:
Then suddenly Lily became ill, me finding her gasping in a corner…we went through many meds, combos of meds, enalapril to test for heart issues, not much worked until I started giving her sub-q gentocin and dexamethasone. But that stopped working as effectively, then last week she started seriously stressing out so I couldn’t inject her any longer. She had lost serious weight, was breathing costally and I knew her time was now limited, so I started her on oral meds to stave things off for a bit. Worked for 3 days then she flipped out and almost died from the stress. I couldn’t medicate her anymore :( She wouldn't eat the meds in food, she'd take a few bites and walk away.
Last night I crossed my fingers and put her on my bed with a dish of ensure and her meds which she ate! :D Then I kept her there, and she slept in the cave of pillows I made her. I was hoping to wake up to a much “healthier” rat. I did not. :sad3: She was the same. I couldn’t put her back in her cage as her family would likely bother her so she stayed sleeping in her pillow cave. I was on the couch with Molly and Moggy tonight, and saw that little Lily had come out of the bedroom to see me and was having a horrible respiratory attack. She stayed on the couch with me for about 20 mins then headed to the floor. I knew I couldn’t’ help her and just tried to keep an eye on her. But she still managed to disappear. I just found her in the box she used to hide in when she went MIA after Out time. I am glad she is gone, no more panic attacks, no more meds. She really was a sweetheart once we got to know each other.
Breathe deeply my sweet.
Lily’s a splasher!

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